SADTU, the majority teacher union, reasserts itself to lead education transformation
12 August 2009
SADTU National General Council met over three days at the Kopanong Conference Centre to chart a way forward in preparation for the SADTU National Congress in 2010. Some of the resolutions adopted include:
- To reiterate our support for the Quality of Learning and Teaching Campaign, and in particular to commit ourselves to the non-negotiables, including that teachers must be on time, on task, thoroughly prepared and behave professionally in accordance with our code of conduct at all times. The Union unequivocally condemns the minority of teachers whose bad behaviour particularly sexual abuse of learners brings the profession into disrepute.
- To engage the department of education to ensure that they meet their undertakings in terms of the Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign, including: to provide basic infrastructure, manageable class sizes, leaning materials and teacher development and support
- To prioritise the issue of school safety, to better understand the challenges we are facing, and to develop comprehensive policies and implement measures to combat these problems.
- To call for the FET Act to be repealed and the FETC sector brought back under the authority of the state to ensure good governance, quality education and centralized collective bargaining in the sector.
- To hail the advantageous agreements on OSD and the 2009 remuneration package. The task now is to force the employer to table its plans for implementation. Implementation of the general pay increment must take place by 30 September. The employer is given until the 30 September 2009 to declare the available for funds for the implementation of the OSD collective agreement no 4, failing which a special NEC will be convened to develop a programme of action to respond appropriately. On the salary negotiations for 2010/2011 the union will embark on a consultation process which shall be completed by not later than end of October 2009.
- On FET draft collective agreement, the Union shall embark on a consultation process for a period of two weeks.
- To bargain for improved conditions for employees in the ABET and ECD and FET sectors.
- To oppose the unilateral dismissal of protesting soldiers by the state and COSATU, to campaign for full labour rights and improved conditions of these employees.
- To reaffirm SADTUs support for the ANC and the Alliance as the only vehicle capable of deepening our national democratic revolution and transforming society in the interest of the working class and the poor. In addition to our participation in COSATU and the ANC, this must also include swelling the ranks of the SACP, supporting the campaign of the Party and building education industrial branches.
Four new leaders were elected into positions that were left vacant when some of our members were deployed to serve as members of parliament. They are Mugwena John Maluleke as General Secretary, Lucas Maphila was elected Deputy President, Nkosana Dolophi was elected Deputy General Secretary and Dorcas Sekebate Vice President for Gender.